Daniel James Homewood

When I look at the majority of my works, each is in many ways a continuation of the other, sharing a common root: Western imperialism. The Cold War. The conflicts and conditions in the Middle East and Africa which caused millions of people to travel to Europe. Palestine. All can be attributed to greater or lesser degrees to western influence and interference in the name of exporting freedom, democracy and civilisation across foreign borders. 

I am an artist and photographer based in the UK. My practice is anchored by personal development, materiality and the curatorial process. Relationships and conflict between people and ideas are topics I engages with in my work. 

In January 2023, I launched the project Of Land and Tree.


MA Photography - Royal College of Art - 2022-25


OLAT in Print - Into the Fold @ Winchester School of Art - 2024

To Speak of Solitude - Solo Exhibition & Screening of 'Walled Off' - North Wall Gallery - Oxford - 2023

Of Land and Tree - Project Founder - 2023

Selected Works - Storytelling Exhibitions: Identity, truth and wonder by Philip Hughes - Bloomsbury Visual Arts - 2021

Rebecca Vassie Memorial Award - Shortlisted - 2020

Recipient - Rebecca Vassie Trust Rapid Response COVID-19 Bursary - 2020

Selected Works - Lande: The Calais ‘Jungle’ and Beyond - Pitt Rivers Museum - 2019

Talk - The Role of Photojournalism in the Humanitarian Sector - University of Oxford - 2019

Rebecca Vassie Memorial Award - Shortlisted - 2019

Mentor - Refugee Journalism Project - London College of Communication 2018-19

Guest Speaker - Screening of 'Refugee Blues', winner of Best European Documentary at the European Independent Film Awards - London 2017

The Photographic Angle - 'My Country' national exhibition - UK 2016-18

Royal Photographic Society - A day in the Life - Shortlisted - 2015

World Street Photography Awards - Reflections - Hon Mention - 2015


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